What is on the five-year horizon for higher education institutions? Which trends and technologies will drive educational change? What are the challenges that we consider as solvable or difficult to overcome, and how can we strategize effective solutions? These questions and similar inquiries regarding technology adoption and educational change steered the collaborative research and discussions of a body of 56 experts to produce the NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition, in partnership with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). The NMC Horizon Report series charts the five-year horizon for the impact of emerging technologies in learning communities across the globe.
Justin Reich
For MOOC research to advance the science of learning, researchers, course developers, and other stakeholders must advance the field along three trajectories: from studies of engagement to research about learning, from investigations of individual courses to comparisons across contexts, and from a reliance on post hoc analyses to greater use of multidisciplinary, experimental design.
Zaption is a tool for creating video-based quizzes. It provides free interactive video tools and ready-to-use video lessons to engage learners.
NoRedInk generates online grammar practice based on the interests of the student. Teachers get to see a color-coded heat map of their students' strengths and weaknesses. NoRedInk是帮助学生通过流行文化的例子学习语法和写作技巧的教育科技公司.创立者杰夫·夏弗(Jeff Scheur)是一名高中英语教师。NoRedInk的学生在线上通过鼠标的点击和拖放来学习语法。老师们则会根据网站的报告得知哪个方面仍需加强,从而调整教学的重点。
题库的模式有其独特的优势:除开全面优质的题库资源之外,(题库)最大的特点就是它能根据用户做题的情况智能调整出题范围和难度。... 用户做 50 道左右的题之后,就能判断他对不同考点的掌握情况,以及对同一考点下不同难度题目的掌握情况。之后随着做题数量的增加,题库就会更清楚的知道该推哪些题给用户才能最大化做题效率。
The potential of digital games to inform, enhance, and transform second and foreign language (L2) learning is enormous, but harnessing their potential for application in the L2 classroom presents complex challenges.Sykes and Reinhardt combine research from a variety of perspectives in applied linguistics, educational gaming, and games studies, and structure their discussion of five major concepts central to these areas: goal, interaction, feedback, motivation and context.
The book attempts to bring together theory and practicewith regard to using technology in the teaching of languages, especially English. Technology is transient and the specific resources available today will be outdated tomorrow. However, if teachers have an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and issues involved in using technology with learners, any new use of technology can be integrated into teaching and learning in a principled way.
GLoCALL 2015 invites proposals for presentations that are related to computer-assisted languagelearning (CALL) and technology-enhanced language learning (TELL). Proposals for ‘Papers’(35 minutes), ‘Workshops’(80 minutes), ‘Symposia’(80 minutes),‘Posters’and ‘Virtual Presentations’ should be submitted by 15May2015.
Call for Submissions: Special issue on K-12 implementations in The International Journal of Designs for Learning (IJDL).
IJDL is rare in its mission of capturing a unique part of our scholarship: the design decisions we make when planning for partnerships, learning experiences, and implementations. This special issue of IJDL places emphasis on K-12 classroom implementations, with specific acknowledgment of the fact that our design decisions - the "what has gone into this effort " - are not always visible in our research publications.
There are two types of design cases: Brief (500-1,500 words) and Full (5,000-7,000 words accompanied by multimedia or other visual elements). More information can be found in the attached call.