
  ESL Teacher Training in 3D Virtual Worlds

Language Learning & Technology

Although language learning in 3D Virtual Worlds (VWs) has become a focus of recent research, little is known about the knowledge and skills teachers need to acquire to provide effective task-based instruction in 3D VWs and the type of teacher training that best prepares instructors for such an endeavor. This study employs a situated learning approach to teacher training and explores what online teaching skills emerge in the process of collaborative situated learning, how these skills develop, and whether collaborative situated learning is an effective method of training instructors to teach in 3D VWs.

Despite the fact that the majority of English learners in China are children, much of what is known about English learners in China is restricted to studies of high school and adult populations. Learning English is an experience that spans many years for Chinese students, yet little is known about how or if motivations change across age groups. The limited amount of research which does explore age-related differences has been restricted to European populations. This study provides findings from a survey of 1,213 school-age students, grades 1 to 11 in Mainland China. Findings demonstrated significant differences in motivation separating middle school from their elementary and high school peers. Suggestions for future research and classroom instruction are given.

Google公布了一项新的倡议——用各种智能手机支持的Google Cardboard 观看器带学生进行虚拟现实旅行。学生们的Cardboard 观看器和智能手机都带有书写板。老师们用书写板来控制同步的虚拟游行。老师选定一个地点后,所有的学生都在虚拟现实中跟随老师的步伐。




Vocabulary and Language Teaching

By Ronald Carter, Michael Mccarthy

The material in this book reviews work dating back to the vocabulary control movement in the 1930s and also refers to more recent work on the role of lexis in language learning. Two chapters describe the main foundations of lexical semantics and relevant research and pedagogical studies in vocabulary and lexicography; and a further chapter discusses recent advances in the field of lexis and discourse analysis. There is also a series of specially commissioned articles which investigate the structure and functions of the modern English lexicon in relation to its exploitation for classroom vocabulary teaching.

Language, Literature and the Learner: Creative Classroom Practice

edited by Ronald Carter, John McRae

This book presents the reader with a practical classroom-based guide to how the teaching of language and literature, until recently seen as two distinct subjects within the English curriculum, can be used as mutually supportive resources within the classroom.

  American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

   "Public Scholarship to Educate Diverse Democracies"
   Friday, April 8 – Tuesday, April 12, 2016
   Washington, DC
   Call for Submissions Window: June 1 – July 22, 2015

TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo

   April 5-April 8, 2016

   Baltimore, Maryland