Building a Framework for a Next-Generation English Language Proficiency Assessment System
ETS Research Report Series

This article offers a conceptual framework and guiding principles to consider in designing and developing next-generation ELP assessment systems for K-12 ELL students in the United States. In particular, the article calls for a need to create an ELP assessment system where the standards, a set of coherent assessments, and instruction are all systematically linked to maximize assessment results and thus aid in ELL students' academic success.
This chapter described the evolution of technology-based assessment as a set of stages. That set consisted of an initial generation of infrastructure buildings, a second generation of qualitative (but incremental) change and efficiency improvement, and a third generation of reinvention.

Google公布了一项新的倡议――用各种智能手机支持的Google Cardboard 观看器带学生进行虚拟现实旅行。学生们的Cardboard 观看器和智能手机都带有书写板。老师们用书写板来控制同步的虚拟游行。老师选定一个地点后,所有的学生都在虚拟现实中跟随老师的步伐。

Trend for Future Language Learning: Mobile Learning in Community of Practices (CoP)

Dr. Ma Qing, Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Education Led by Dr. Ma Qing and Dr. Wang Lixun, the Mobile Learning Community (MLC) has been established in the Hong Kong Institute of Education. About 300 teachers and students across different higher education institutions in Hong Kong and overseas countries have joined the MLC. A dedicated open website (http://corpus.ied.edu.hk/mlc) has been created to disseminate mobile learning/teaching resources for a wider, global audience. Teachers and students from different higher education institutions have contributed continuously fresh, first-hand and personalised information that has been integrated into the content of the website. It provides language learners of different ages (adolescents, university students, and adult learners) and various levels (from beginners to advanced) with rich learning resources, including websites, mobile apps, personalised learning stories, and videos that showcase how students make use of diverse apps to facilitate their language learning. This website provides an ideal platform for sharing information and transferring knowledge on mobile language learning, setting a trend for future language learning.

在思考如何通过科技手段解决课堂上存在的问题时,Edtech Incubator把目光集中在了最了解课堂的人――教师本身。继2013年3月Edtech Incubator的成立,同年10月,由牛津大学赛德商学院(Said Business School)和Hub Ventures创办的Emerge Venture Lab也正式宣布了自己的孵化器项目:Emerge Education。如果是Educator Incubator孵化的是“从教师中来”的项目,那么Emerge Education则更关注“到教师中去”的项目了。Emerge Education面向教师的产品将得到TSL教师群体的免费测试反馈建议,以便更好地针对目标人群改善产品。而对于B2B的产品,Emerge Education也会提供合作的学校和企业资源,帮助测试产品。

The material in this book In the 1990s, Anne Meyer, David Rose, and their colleagues at CAST introduced universal design for learning (UDL), a framework to improve teaching and learning. Based on new insights from the learning sciences and creative uses of digital technologies. UDL can help educators improve and optimize learning experiences for all individuals

The design of that technology is inherently linked to those emotional responses. This text addresses emotional design and pedagogical agents, and the emotions they generate. Topics include design features such as emoticons, speech recognition, virtual avatars, robotics, and adaptive computer technologies, all as relating to the emotional responses from virtual learning.

2016 International Symposium on CALL: July 22-23, 2016
Qingdao, China
Call for papers
Theme:New Technology and Foreign Language Instruction: Opportunities and Challenge
Call for papers
Enhancing Impact: Convergence of Communities for Grounding,Implementation and Validation