On behalf of all the members, I would like to express my warmest congratulations on the launching of the ChinaCALL Newsletter!
The ChinaCALL Association provides a platform for dynamic exchanges of ideas and energizes innovations across disciplines. One of the Newsletter’s missions, also the editor’s avowed aim, is to keep all its members informed and updated of the latest research endeavors and findings from the like-minded colleagues both at home and abroad. more >>

Learning Analytics 学习分析,迅速发展的研究和商业领域
UNESCO 联合国教科文组织出品
Learning Analytics is a rapidly growing research and commercial field, with potentially disruptive potential to transform educational research into a data-driven science, and educational institutions into organizations that make evidence-based decisions.

通过回顾350余篇计算机辅助外语教学的实证研究,作者分析认为大部分技术辅助外语学习效 果有限,但是自动语音识别技术在学习发音方面效果显著。技术并没有如传说中一样颠覆语言学习,是 设计之伤亦是技术之伤?语言学习产品设计如何能充分释放技术之能量?
Technology for Foreign Language Learning: a review of technology types and their effectiveness
外语学习技术类型及有效性评析 Computer Assisted Language Learning
Ewa M. Golonkaa, Anita R. Bowlesa, Victor M. Frankab, Dorna L. Richardsonc & Suzanne Freynika
The review indicates automatic speech recognition (ASR) can facilitate the improvement of pronunciation and can provide feedback effectively.

Technology-enhanced English Language Writing Assessment in the Classroom
在线英语写作自动评价系统在基础英语教学中的应用研究 Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics
TANG Jinlan, Changhua Sun RICH & WANG Yihong
Technology-enhanced formative assessment integration in classrooms transforms traditional teaching, learning and assessment.

2012年被纽约时报评为MOOC(Massvie Open Online Course)之年,实则当之无愧。Coursera, Udacity, EdX, Udemy, UniversityNow, 2Tor, Codecademy的涌现引发了学术,资本,和业界的在线教育 热潮,而其对经济,社会,政治各方面的影响也不可低估。国内各大高校网院在这场免费在线学习的盛宴 中该何去何从?
MOOCs, cheap smart phones and dire poverty: about to flip the planet?
大规模网络教育即将横扫全球 Grzegorz Pietruczuk
The digital divide is dying fast.Smart phones, tablets are getting cheap enough to make going online affordable in the third world. They are going to get even cheaper. MOOCs like Coursera are putting degrees online. When proctoring for free online courses is working, third world people will be able to afford first world degrees. The first world will hire millions of third world graduates.They will be able to secure investment in third world development.

10 Predictions for Online Education in China
There’s been an explosion of online education, with university partnerships, open and free offerings, and lots of educational technology developments. As online education grows in China, these are some of the things we expect to see.

Duolinguo is a free service that helps to learn a language while simultaneously contributing to translate real-world content from the Web.

MindSnacks is creating a platform of multiplayer learning games across touch-based devices, including a variety of addictive
mini-games that teach vocabulary, writing, reading and listenings kills to foreign language learners.

uSpeak is designed to encourage the learner to think in the new
language and to build an intuitive understanding of its nature. A series of games designed ensure an immersive, consistent, entertaining and sustainable learning process.