Paul Sweeney and Caroline Moore
Volume 2, Issue 4.International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT)
In this article the authors discuss the potential for mobile devices, mainly smart phones and tablets, to be used for language learning, offering frameworks for users to apply, including the categorization of the different contexts and applications (apps).
在社交网络上探索学习管理平台的功能,Facebook Group实验
Hagit Meishar-Tal, Gila Kurtz, Efrat Pieterse
This paper describes a pilot study in using Facebook as an alternative to a learning management system (LMS). The paper reports on a precedent–setting attempt to use a Facebook group as a course website, serving as a platform for delivering content and maintaining interactions among the students and between the students and the lecturer. The paper presents findings from the students’ self-assessments and reflections on their experience. The students expressed satisfaction with learning in Facebook and willingness to continue using these groups in future courses.
Bin Zou
Computer- A ssisted L anguage L earning. 26 (1): 83-99
This article explores how teachers provide support to help students use CALL programs efficiently to improve their listening and speaking skills when learning English in pre-sessional courses in the higher education context. This discussion examines the perspective of both teachers and students through questionnaires, interviews and observations in the computer labs of two universities in the UK. The findings suggest several potential ways that teacher assistance may help students use computers more effectively for their language practice.
通过发送学习报告、老师点评的方法,帮助家长和教育工作者了解孩子在移动设备上的学习情况。此平台更偏爱创意生产类的应用产品,目前在平台上最受欢迎的一款应用叫ILuv Drawing,由MyVijan团队开发,可以让孩子在iPad上素描、涂色、画画。
默多克领导的新闻集团决意颠覆K-12?教育陋习:它重塑旗下教育部门Amplify,推出酝酿已久的旗舰产品——集课堂管理、评估、监测功能为一体的教学平板电脑。这款10英寸的Android 平板电脑预装有基本的学习软件,包括教科书、多媒体课程、《大英百科全书》以及图形计算器,甚至还有当前流行于YouTube的Khan Academy系列课程。
Clayton Christensen & Michael Horn
面对美国各大学校涌现的开放课程,三次普利策奖获得者Thomas Friedman对在线学习的未来如是评。
It explains how to match different game strategies to types of learning content for the right learning outcome and discusses how gamification techniques can be used in a variety of settings to improve learning, retention and application of knowledge.
Carol A.Chapelle, Joan Jamieson, H.Douglas Brown 全面介绍了计算机辅助语言教学(CALL)的原理及应用,将CALL的具体使用技巧与当代研究成果紧密联系起来,是一本实用性非常强的参考书,在全球范围具有广泛和深远的影响力。《教学点津:计算机辅助语言教学(CALL)实用方法》与其附配的CD—ROM光盘一起,向渎者清楚地阐明为什么以及怎样使用CALL来教授词汇、语法、阅读、写作、听力、口语、沟通技巧和基于内容的语言。