
  An Exploratory Study of Pauses in Computer-assisted EFL Writing

Cuiqin Xu, Nanjing University

Yanren Ding, Nanjing University

From Language Learning and Technology

The study explored L2 writers’ pausing patterns in computer-assisted writing settings and how their pausing patterns related to writing time allocation, writing fluency, and text quality. Results suggest that while the skilled writers allocated significantly less time to the prewriting stage, they paused significantly longer yet less frequently than the less-skilled group in this stage; however, the two groups displayed no significant difference in pause frequency or duration in the composing stage. Text quality was found to correlate positively with prewriting pause duration and writing fluency but negatively with the prewriting time. Web search and dictionary use were identified as important extra writing activities that gave rise to the observed time allocation and pausing patterns.

  Enhancing Digital Reading Performance with a Collaborative Reading Annotation System

Chih-Ming Chena, National Chengchi University

Fang-YaChenb, National Chengchi University

From Computer and Education

As children now spend considerable time reading electronic media, digital reading skills and good reading comprehension are essential. However, many studies agree that screen-based reading leads to shallow reading, short attention spans, and poor comprehension. Therefore, this work presents a collaborative reading annotation system with a reading annotation and interactive discussion scaffold (CRAS-RAIDS) for improving reading performance in collaborative digital reading environments.


Analytical results show that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in direct and explicit comprehension, inferential comprehension performance, and use of reading strategy. Moreover, the experimental group, but not the control group, had a significantly improved reading attitude in the total dimensions and in the behavioral and affective sub-dimensions. Additionally, the experimental group showed positive interest and high learning satisfaction.

As students work on a teacher-made Classkick assignment on their iPads, teachers see every student’s work progressing all at once. Students can privately raise hands; teachers give individualized, real-time student feedback, and so much more.



多知网9月23日消息,美国的Ambient Insight公司发布的全面市场分析报告称,在线英语学习产品获得的收入将出现爆炸性增长。该研究报告预计,未来5年这些产品的全球收入年复合增长率可达11.1%,从13亿美元增长到38亿美元。

by Michael Thomas(Editor), HayoReinders(Editor), Mark Warschauer(Editor)

Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is a comprehensive, one-volume work written by leading international figures in the field focusing on a wide range of theoretical and methodological issues. It explains key terms and concepts, synthesizes the research literature and explores the implications of new and emerging technologies.


The Technology, Knowledge and Learning (TKNL) journal invites submissions for a special section “Gamification: Establishing Evidence for an Emerging Technology” to be published in 2015.

This conference is intended to promote scientific exchange of interdisciplinary research at the intersection of the learning sciences and computer science.