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Philip Hubbard是美国斯坦福大学语言中心语言学高级讲师、海外学生英语课程项目部主任,《语言学习与技术》 (Language Learning & Technology)与《计算机辅助语言学习》 (Computer Assisted Language Learning)期刊副主编。致力于计算机辅助外语教学(CALL)研究30余年,在CALL理论研究、方法、评估、教师教育及学习者培训等领域出版多部著作及发表多篇论文,曾参与英语二语教学(TESOL)教育技术标准研发。近期研究聚焦移动学习原则、CALL理论框架及技术辅助教学反思。 讲座题目: Five keys from the past to the future of CALL 摘要: Current trends in CALL such as mobile learning, gamification, and use of social media appear to represent major shifts in the digital language learning landscape. However, these and other applications of technology to mediate language learning may be informed by reflecting not only on the present but also on relevant insights from past research and practice. In this talk, I draw on selected studies and my own experience to identify five key lessons learned. These lessons involve understanding 1) the cycle of technology adoption, 2) the dimensions of technology mediation in the language learning process, 3) the promise and limitations of CALL theory and research, 4) the importance of teacher education in an age of continuous change, and 5) the value of learner training for effective technology use. Teachers, researchers, and developers alike can profit from these lessons in creating and implementing new technologies, tasks, and activities. |
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Regine Hampel是英国开放大学开放与远程教育教授,保健、教育与语言学习学院副院长、杰出研究员。主要研究领域包括新技术的使用对语言教学的影响、电子媒体、活动设计、学习者互动交流、在线读写能力以及教师培训等。近期研究项目包括由欧洲现代语言中心资助的“培养在线教学技能”(DOTS)项目,成果于2015年结集出版中。 讲座题目: The disruptive effect of technology on communication and meaning-making in the language classroom: a complex systems theory approach 摘要: The new digital media have the potential to transform language education. Although technology is embedded in students’ lives today, there is an assumption by many educators that its use is inconsequential. So how can we ensure that our learning and teaching practices realize this potential and encourage a new learning ecology? By using complex systems theory, this plenary presentation will take an innovative approach to understanding how technologies impact on communication and meaning-making in language learning and teaching. Recent studies provide evidence for the disruptive effect of the new media on traditional language learning settings and for a phase shift that is reshaping language education by opening up new ways of constructing meaning and knowledge, creating new interaction patterns, and introducing real-world communication into the classroom while also posing new challenges. The presentation will conclude by highlighting what teachers, institutions and policy makers can do to respond to this shift. |
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Thomas Robb是夏威夷大学博士、日本京都产业大学的荣誉教授,曾任该校外语系英语部主任。长期从事计算机辅助外语教学(CALL)研究,并为多个学生互动学习及专业交流等项目创建网站及研发应用程序。曾任日本全国英语教学协会(JALT)主席、国际TESOL理事会成员及环太平洋地区计算机辅助外语教学协会(PacCALL)主席。是GLoCALL年度会议创始人和阅读基金项目主席。 讲座题目: Getting them to do it: Why tracking is important 摘要: Computer Assisted Language Learning has gone a long way since the early days, when students had to study in a computer laboratory using software that was installed on each computer with no means for the teacher to watch or record what each student was doing. Now the CALL lab is virtually a thing of the past, but one problem has persisted since the early days: Many teachers still do not know whether their students are using assigned software or not because there is no tracking mechanism for it. Tracking is important for one clear reason: Without it, most students will not do the work! In this presentation we will look at how we, as teachers, can keep track of what our students are actually doing -- or not doing. Based on the principle that only trackable activities should be assigned, we will survey what is available, and how we can make assigned activities ‘trackable’. All tracking functions, however, are not equal. We will survey a number of sites to understand what is essential for a truly usable tracking function. |
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Vivien Berry博士是英国文化协会英语测评项目的高级研究员,主要负责语言测评相关知识的普及项目,并进行国际口语测试中面对面及视频形式测试的口语模式构建研究。Vivien Berry博士在语言测评领域出版过多部著作,并多次在相关国际会议中作为发言代表陈述其研究成果,同时也在亚洲及中东国家和地区任高等教育领域的教育测评专家。 讲座题目: Using technology in language assessment: Do the constructs remain the same? 摘要: Until recently, widespread use of technology in education was more prevalent in language learning contexts than language assessment contexts. However, the use of technology can play a role in changing and expanding test constructs, thus enabling more meaningful and authentic assessment. One such application of technology is the use of video conferencing in assessing spoken language, meaning that face-to-face interaction no longer depends upon physical proximity within the same location. Recent technical advances have made it possible for users in two or more locations to successfully communicate in real time through audio and video. |
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博士,研究员,博士生导师,师从国际著名语言学家Leech。目前系中国社会科学院应用语言学研究室研究员,兼任北外网络教育学院荣誉院长,ChinaCALL主任。顾教授是CSSCI刊物《当代语言学》杂志主编、国际语用学协会常务理事,中国功能语言学协会常务理事。国际著名SSCI刊物《篇章学》、《语用学》(国际语用学协会会刊)咨询编审、英国学术院王宽城基金会院士、香港理工大学校外学术委员和学术顾问、教育部远程教育专家组成员。他先后获霍英东教育基金第四届青年教师科研类一等奖,北京市哲学社会科学优秀论文一等奖,中国“国氏”博士后奖,国家级 “优秀回国人员”称号。 研究领域:语用学,话语分析,语料库语言学,修辞学和英语教育。 讲座题目: Life-Long Learning in the Life-Course Perspective: A Big Data Approach 摘要: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Web-based delivery of course included, is overwhelmingly recognized as a tool being particularly conducive to life-long learning. Endorsing this assumption quite heartily, this paper proposes two things for the “aged” community to evaluate — being aged in the sense that research into life-long learning has enjoyed a long history. It has another intended meaning associated with life course, which is a technical term borrowed from studies of lifespan human development (LHD). LHD is concerned with growth and development from “womb to tomb” (see Feldman, 2011; Morgan and Kunkel, 2011). Gu (2016) models this process of development in terms of multi-dimensional data building with a “magic” formula — the (dimensional) self {…{}…}. According to this formula, life-long learning is just one of the dimensional self that grows along side with many other dimensions of the self, the biological self, the physical self, the cognitive self, the meta-self and so on. This paper, apart from demonstrating how the model works with “traditional” view of life-long learning, proposes a tripartite structuring of life-long learning as a guiding principle for content developing. The traditional view refers to the practice of using the technology of whatever kind to present what is taught in formal education. The tripartite structuring refers to the three macro phases of development over a life span: (1) the immature but rapid growth, (2) the mature and stable development and (3) the aging and declining development. Corresponding with this structuring are three overall designing principles for content development: (1) content for general intelligence development (i.e., developing multiple selves); (2) content for subject area development; and (3) content for anti-aging therapy. The paper will demonstrate the last drawing the findings from studies of Alzheimer’s disease patients by the author himself and others. |