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Computer-Assisted Language Learning Association, China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese (ChinaCALL)

ChinaCALL由北京外国语大学倡议,于2012年10月在北外成立。2019年11月,ChinaCALL正式成为国家一级学会——中国英汉语比较研究会的分支机构,并更名为“中国英汉语比较研究会语言智能教学专业委员会(ChinaCALL)”(www.chinacall.org.cn)。秘书处设在北京外国语大学网络教育学院,主任为顾曰国教授(北京外国语大学人工智能与人类语言重点实验室首席专家,网络教育学院荣誉院长,中国社会科学院创新工程首席研究员),秘书长为唐锦兰教授(北京外国语大学网络教育学院院长、人工智能与人类语言重点实验室理事会副理事长)。会刊为《语言智能教学》国际期刊(Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning)(e-ISSN: 2748-3479)。


China Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning, as an affiliate of China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese (CACSEC), is a regional association for all those who are interested in applying technology to enhance learning. It aims to establish a nationwide professional network that links academia and industry for the endeavor of transforming second language learning with technology and acts as an open forum for exchanging views, debates, innovative trials, and interdisciplinary fertilizations. Its membership is free for all. ChinaCALL organizes biennial conferences before 2018, and from 2020 it started to organise annual conferences. ChinaCALL also runs integrated teacher training programs at summer times. Moreover, ChinaCALL will provide ad hoc net-conferencing opportunities for enriched online exchange experiences. ChinaCALL cherishes its close ties with CACSEC, APACALL, PacCALL, and EUROCALL, and looks forward to further collaborations with them and other language and CALL associations.


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